Virtual Events and Conference, is one where people meet online on various prospects as Corporate meet between organization and their client , Annual Meet between employees of company, Product launch meet to give description about new product to employees as well as clients. now a days virtual conference is more importance then real conference. Mascot Event is a leading company in handling virtual events. it provides the best solution for virtual events and virtual conferences, and also provide lots of different ideas for a virtual event to make it memorable.
Book your Virtual Event with us
Our Work
- Making a full virtual concept
- Making login form for each person who is going to attend the meeting
- Checking how many number of people attend the meeting and active at particular section
- Checking if any person having a problem in attending the meet
- Recording full meeting
- Checking the meeting is not violet any privacy policies
Annual Virtual Meet
Annual Virtual Meet is organized by us where head of companies meet with their employees of different branches. hare they can share their annual growth rate and discuss on various topic to improve company performance .we organize such kind of meet and handle all the background activities
Book your Annual Virtual meet with us
Virtual Corporate Meet
Virtual Corporate meet where a company deals with their client at different location they can discuss on new products company updates and many more things, this type of meeting is useful when company’s clients are at different locations.
Book your Virtual Corporate Meet with us
Virtual Product Launch
In this type of Product launch, a script is prepared, then the demonstration for product is recorded and on the final day of launch all things are merge in a proper manner and finally the presentation will begins. Host your upcoming virtual event with us.
Book your Virtual Product Launch